ASRY Bahrain Shipyard Rowen Rig Inspection Job

Safety Equipment Supplier

ASRY Bahrain Shipyard Rowen Rig Inspection Job


ASRY Bahrain Shipyard Rowen Rig in Bahrain


ASRY Bahrain Shipyard Rowen Rig needed an inspection of the steel structure.  Instead of taking the time to build costly scaffolding to do the inspection work, ARS used Rope Access to provide a detailed inspection and analysis of theASRY Bahrain Shipyard Rowen Rig.

Scope and Method

ARS was hired to inspect the ASRY Bahrain Shipyard Rowen Rig and provide a method to inspect and repair the steel structure. After the inspection, ARS used two rope climbing methods to move around the large steel structure to do the inspection work.  ARS used high angle lines to support the crew members during their inspection and also used the high angle lines to access difficult to reach areas on the steel structure.


ARS completed the ASRY Bahrain Shipyard Rowen Rig Inspection job using Rope Access only.  No costly cranes, manlifts or scaffolding was needed.